Thoughts of someone lost (and stories of someone finding her way home?)

Tortures of the damned


Monday, May 5, 2008 by Emma

I used to scratch mosquito bites until they started bleeding hoping they'd stop itching but they never did. I realize I still do this in a way, but with bigger problems than mosquito bites. Everyone always told me that if I opened up and talked about my feelings and my memories things would get better but they never did. It was like cutting up a healed wound again and seeing all the repressed memories come back to me through the blood flowing out of the wound. It never got better but I kept doing it over and over again. I know more people that does this, re-live painful memories in hopes of learning something through it and getting better but I rarely see it succeed. I'd like to talk to someone who that actually worked for because I'd like to have that faith with me still. That it works. That I can get better. That the repressed memories can finally be free.

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